Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So no game tonight at HU's

Lack of sausage at the sausage fest, so I am going to try my hand at FT. So far already down $11 on on table of a buy in of $100 and think I am still playing too soft. We shall see what the rest of the night brings.

So I am on this drug called Remicade that is supposed to help with my "fistulating crohns disease". I wont explain, look it up.

Interesting drug. You can only take it via IV, so I had my first "infusion" last week. Then I go in 2 week, then in 4 weeks, then every 8 weeks after that. There are supposed to be some side effects. The first time the only think I noticed was a "rushing" feeling in my head all night and a little bit of a headache the night after. And MAYBE some joint or muscle pain as the week went on. Will be interested to see how I feel after the next one. It is next Wednesday (the 7th?) at 1.
It takes like 4 hours to take anyhow.....

On the plus side it costs like $4300 an infusion, insurance pays, but i get the Airmiles, so that is nice. Will have a lot of Airmiles within the next year or so. LOL

Not much happening on the poker side right now. Just folding a lot. The AK hand that I lost money on bugs me. I think I am slow playing.


Not that anyone will look at this as no one reads this....lol..

Out of retirement

Yep its true. Slurpee Dude is back from his self imposed exile. Essentially took most of the spring and all of the summer off from poker. Biggest reason is that I had 2 Crohns related surgeries that messed me up and kicked my ass. Because of that though I am going to include some Crohns info and ramblings on this blog. Sorry for those that don't care. More for me than you I guess.

Anyhow, played a bit of cash only and was up a bit, then entered a PCH tourny online for $33 and lost by playing like shit, but at least I could see it. Tonight returning to the"Hus on first" game. Will see how that goes. Anyhow, will type more when I have a real keyboard in front of me.