Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tale of 2 tables.

Put in about 90 minutes and it really was interesting how you can play the same game at 2 different tables...and have 2 different results.

Table A) Had trouble getting things going. I think I ended up with more of a donkish image that I was looking for. I think this helped create a situation where I did not get rid of this guy...

Also took the wrong side of 2 pair to the river. I gotta stop believing in the BB special. LOL.

So those were the hands of note from that table. Finished down $50 or so there.

Table B) Here I had an entirely different image. I was able to establish some aggresion with 3 and 4 betting, and then got my big hands paid off...after that I could pretty much take down any pot I wanted. Here are some of note...

Thank you Kesh...for once you were right.

Only time when I love people pusing at my nuts

And here is a great example of money that I would not have won even 3 months ago. In honor of Travis I floated him and them made him believe.

So all in all this table finished up over $120 dollars. So not bad and a nice continuation. Hope I can keep this roll going.

So all ready to go.

Well it took a while but I finally am all ready to go. What do I mean by that? Well I mean in order to be serious I thought I had to get a few things done.

1) Get an ok understanding of Poker Tracker and get it going.
2) Get Rake Back at a site where I am going to play (A must)
3) Get all my money on the same fractured bankroll

And it is all done. Felter paid back an old stake that I am sooo impressed he managed to do. He took .10 and ran it up to over $400. Wow...wish I could do that!!

And lately I have been playing ok. Going over hands it seems that most of my losses are bad attempts at bluffs or moves. When I play straight up poker...I seem to win. So lets try that.

Now that I have over $1100 hundred dollars someone asked me when I would step up (I am playing .50 NL). But what I have decided that I will need 15x BB. So before I go up to $1 NL I am waiting untill I have $1500 dollars.

Lets give it a try!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Nothing exciting but up another 38%

Just a short little post. Played for just over an hour and GROUND up a 38% profit. (That sounds so much better than like 18 dollars). But whatever...I really have to contribute this to more pre-flop aggresion and some 3 bet aggression to defend blinds.

No hands of note really but I will check again later.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Good Session

Sat down for just over an hour with a couple of tables and finished up nicely (like 200 BB or so). It was especially nice as I was down 20 dollars fairly quickly but realized somewhere along the line that one of my assets is I just waited. And my increased aggression really helped. I just need to work on my timing more and open up I think a little more, and I will be on the way. Even tried a little 3 betting tonight, which worked...but I think I might have been doing it at the wrong time and may have shut a few pots down earlier than needed.

But hey...aggression is never the complete wrong answer...right??


#1) First the bad...not sure what I was even doing in this hand anyhow?? I mean if the turn gave me a flush draw then ok. But he did take time and waited till the last second. So nice call by him.

#2) Classic race. I put him on AK and I was right.

#3) Here I changed up my timing and it really helped. Of course quads are good.

#4) Here I thought that if a scare card came on the river I could take it worked.

#5) And here I question his call on the flop, but I thought he might as he had hung onto AK a couple of time. SEND IT BY BOAT!!

So all in all. Almost up to $900 for the first time..and when I get my money from Felts I will be damn near $1200. Woo hoo!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Queens are not my friend :)

So if i never got deal QQ I would be an amazing poker player. LOL. Just 2 tables it for a little over and hour and ran positive. Got back some of the losses from the QQ hand below. But gave some back with QQ again. Here are the hands of note and my comments.


In my mind this hand plays itself. I made little money from an early position speculative hand and paid just enough on the turn. Was pretty sure I was not getty any more money on the river and I was right.


I think I played this hand Marginally better then the hand in the post below....I dont know. I really dont think I paid all that much to get to the river on an over pair. I was pretty sure that that D helped on the river, but I think it as a cheap enough call..... ?


This hand I like. I like my read. And even though the pot odds pretty much dictated I make the call anyways, my read immediately was I was good...and he does not get there with a hand that is beating me except for a set of queens, and I discounted that with my Q. Maybe AQ but once again I had a Q so I was ok.

So those were the 3 major or most interesting hands. There was also a lot of small pots taken down preflop by my increased preflop aggression and bet size depending on number of limpers. I also am looking at position more. With tier 2 speculative hands like A-10s I am limping early rather than betting out with the intention of seeing a cheap flop. And it has helped...especially limiting those big losses where I get caught and committed to a hand with a less than a premium hand.

Thats all for now!


Starting a session here and this is how you do NOT want to play a hand.

I had thought AJ or AK miss, but even soo, no reason to get it all in. I need to take time here, use some bets to get info, and find out what hands he might be going with.

LOL, well I hope this is to get all the bad karma out of the way...but wow, I way over value Q's and I always have.


Just finally got around to doing something that is a no brainer that should have been done a LONG time ago.

I am setup for Rake Back at Full Tilt. That has got to help. If I got 27% of the rake that I had paid back before I would be in better shape obviously. I wish I did not need the amount but hell, I will take it.!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just had a good session

First off Props to Big Felter who just torune .10 into over 400 dollars. Woo hoo I am getting my cash back!! Gotta love it.

Just finished a .50NL session. Thing went ok. Finished up like 47 dollars, and so have to be happy with that. But there was defiantely more money on the table but I did not leave as much as I normally do. And I did get out of the way of some good hands..... here are some hands of note:
This was a good dodge on my part. I mean ok not exactly rocket science butI know that in the past I would have lost more money here.
This was the biggest losing hand for me of the night. Do I get away from this?? With the stack that he had I do not think so. I was sure he did not have aces and I was right...although can I really even be sure of that??

This guy here demonstrates again why you do not limp or slow play. What did he think I had??
This was a hand where I end up winning but I played poorly. How do I not raise here on the flop....turn...or river. Especially the river when I dodged those spades. Very poor play on my part.

So those were the hands that were of interest. Not a lot but whatever. And I am positive in my Poker Tracker that is nice too.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Trying something different.

Loading up 4 different $5 sit-n-gos. Lets see what happens....

Ok, 8th in the first one...and I have to say I played poorly. I will review the hands.

Bubble with a bad beat. Flop Nut Flush...he has pocket pair. Turn pairs the board, river is his full boat.

Another bubble. Bah. Total misread on my part and risked way too many chips on a bad steal defend?? I called what he was going to do, but I was wrong on why he did it.

And fourth. Of course. And I tried to play too smart. I was in second when I went out. I am sure that if I played straight up I would do better.....could not do much worse.


Monday, January 7, 2008

Finished 7th...

Out of like 29. So not that good (was really hoping for top 5) but I just did not have enough chips at the final table. I lost too many hands like my AK to an AJ. You need to have a HUGE stack as the blinds take off when they start doubling. Oh well. Any mybe I pushed too soon with 10-3 of hearts (16k in chips blinds 2-4k coming up to me)...but hey, at least I was winning till the river. (Damn flush!)

Awesome hand just now.

Just won a great hand. Got all in for 6k or so with QQ (me) vs AK suited.
Flop comes A Q x with 2 diamonds.

Turn and river blank. Wow. What a hand.
Karl Copp
Field Consultant
7-11 Canada.


Just lost AK (me) to AJ. Bah.
Karl Copp
Field Consultant
7-11 Canada.

Trying another live charity "Bingo" tournament.

So tonight Felter and I are at the Silver Heights tonight to try their charity "bingo" tourny. And I use tourny loosely as there MIGHT be 20 people. I guess I gotta only be happy with top 5. Will see how it goes. Just have to be prepared to run up the aggresion as there are a lot of regulars.

Wish me luck!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

So what levels do I play at?

Well I think I have decided I will stay at .50 NL unless I go under $700 or untill I get over $1500.

So I might as well get comfortable at this limit. Going to be here for a while.

Hey, if ANYONE wanted to leave a comment here to let me know that ANYONE has read this, the props would be appreciated.

Will see how things go here

Going to play 2 .50 cent tables and wanted to try a small tourny, so in a 45 man $5 sitngo.

Ok, the tourny went ok. Made one dumb move but then the rest was all just being outflopped.

There was

So yeah, that was the tourny. There was one hand earlier I should have played differently (ok, not played) for 800 chips, but other than that I am ok.

Cash was just not my day either. I will post some hands in a bit but it was the deadly combo of bad play and no cards. I am not good there!!

Ok. Here are the bad hands.

This one was impressive in its badness. How do I make this river call??

With this river bet I had to put him on AK but if someone wants to say bad fold I will agree!

I am sure I have played this poker game before

And ok. Here I get rivered but I could have taken it on the turn. Bad bad play.

So in the end over the 2 tables I finish like $26 down. Could have been worse (maybe) but should have been a lot better as I made a few comebacks, but GAVE it away!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Here we go. 2 tables this time

Ok, going to play a couple of .50 tables tonight. On a side note had a good conversation with Felter (dave) on just how bad you would have to run to burn through a bankroll with good money management.

Ok, first hand....

I put him on no Ace, and it was great to be right.

Here is a hand where I wimped out and should have bet out on the turn. That is the level of aggression I am not at yet. I am sure (i think) that if I hit the turn with a pot sized bet he folds.

Here is a hand that i am not really sure where I stood. A well connnected flop like that. Maybe he was just open ended?? But I think he also touched that A a little harder than I did. What do you think??

So the session was positive, and have grown things up to within a sniff of 800. Will see if I can keep this slow and steady thing going.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Another short session tonight

Let's See how this goes?? .50 NL 1 table just killing some time.

How far am I supposed to take this hand. Do I bet stronger on the flop? Do I even make that call on the raise??

Ok, so that hand took me down whatever it was. I know I got down to like 42 dollars (down 8).

Well I have been able to grind back up to flat with that increase in aggression just by taking down blinds, or taking the hand down on the flop. And because I am raising more on the flop there is a little pot there to take.

Here is one example, and I did not even increase my pre-flop bet here like I should.

And here again where I did bump up my bet with the one limper

And so I finished down 3.25, so all in all I am pretty happy. Might start multi-tabling the .50 tables.

Just played a little 1 hour session

Maybe not even. Just got back from picking my brother up at the airport though and was not tired yet. So I played 1 table of .50 NL. These are the high and low lights.

Ok. Highlight. This was the only real hand of value that I won (but I am winning more small pots and I know that is HUGE for my game.)

Hey, it is nice to get that river ever once in a while. Glad he paid off a little but I definately needed to bet more than pot. Left money there.

Bad - this is one those situations where in blind vs blind I figured the only hand that is beating me is if he was completing with pure junk that caught.

And here I think I just have to learn that if the suit does not come, that A on the flop is not good, and a weak kicker will kill you. (Wow, that sounds so simple just to type, must be an idiot.

So ended up almost 10 percent of a my buyin anyhow, but left money out there I think. And gave a little away. But that increased aggression and increasing my Raise based on the # of limper's is definitely paying the bills right now in terms of winning enough uncontested small pots. These are pots that I would never have even played for before and just checked away, or worse let someone get in cheap and kill me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Well small gains will get me there.

Just had a small session. Worked hard on maintaining the aggression, and it worked marginally but still coming up impotent on small hands.

Had one hand that pissed me off is when I get a hand like this, and a flop like this.

Do you hit it harder?? Or call like I did hoping for the board to pair?

Another hand that I did not like. Do I drop it sooner or pound it harder??

Sometimes things go well though...

And considering his hole cards I guess this was a bad bluff (too little too late??) Was surprised he was not stronger...

I am still leaving money on the table though....

Happy New Year

Well I hope that everyone had a good new years and holiday break. Except for one cash game I did not really play much over the holidays.

Hope to find more time in the next little while. The wife has a lot of Ringette this month, so I should have more time to kill.

Going to play for an hour and a bit here while I have some time. Let's try 2 .25NL tables. Stay tight and aggressive and see what happens.

Oh, in the last session I did lose a buy in due to impatience and stupidity as I was concentrating more on setting up Poker Tracker and HUD then actually playing. Should be all good now.

Running out of excuses...need to start winning soon or admit I suck!