Friday, October 10, 2008

So MAYBE things are working

I was on my way to Steinbach today...(little hung over) when it hit me. For the first time in FOREVER I don't think I have any measurable symptoms of Crohns disease. Like at all. I don't know if it is just the remicade, the exercise, eating better or just random chance but WOW, I mean as I sit here and type this, and listen to my body, I don't think that it is saying anything. (Except that my left calf muscle is thinking about going on strike about all this running).

I say think because you get soo used to feeling bad that you become an expert at ignoring the bad feelings....but I am serious. I don't think I can feel any bloating, pain, no issues at all.

Just gonna sit here for a while and enjoy it. :)

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