Friday, December 15, 2006

Cash vs STG's...and the Finals Tonight!!

First off Howdy Felter and Ethan. Shocked someone had come over and glad I have inspired you to greatness...or at least blogness. Anyhow.

As you can see there is a large disparity of my bank rolls between HP and FT. Reason being that I was pretty sure I was going to transition over to Full Tilt, but the action at HP seems to have picked up again. With their soft bonus structure and tilty players I am not so sure. Not a big fan of playing the same games at 2 I am not. What i have started is a small experiment where I am ONLY using the money at FT to play Sit N Gos. Obviously with the bank roll I have there we are talking small ones. But I am interested to see if I can grow it at all. Felter has had some success in that area, and I would like to try.

So I am going to try a few now. Mainly though to get ready for the Freeroll Finals I am in at "The Charlie" tonight. I won a satellite tourny a couple of Fridays ago and so I am in the finals tonight. I am pretty sure it will be a typical bar poker type game (Extremely loose with crazy calls). So I will play the ultra tight and incredibly aggressive game. When I won the satellite the only bets I made were pot sized or all no doubt I will have some horrible bad beat story to tell later.

Actually I will be posting from the tourny from my BlackBerry, so you will be able to read my frustration on the beats as they occur.

And finally Ethan, in regards to your comments...this will not ONLY be about poker. I am sure I will post the odd comment on Sex, Women and Booze as well. I do not want to be typecast!

Slurpee Dude!


Big Felter said...

Pas the booze ... and we need a team name so think of one....

Ethan said...

Sex, women, and booze.... very nice!