Sunday, December 31, 2006

Has the train finally left the "Calling Station"??

I certainly hope so. I have continued to work to ensure that I am no longer calling almost any action. If I want to be in the hand, I need to be so certain that I feel confident re raising and taking the initiative. If my hand is not that good, I have been letting it go. I have no doubt I have left some money on the table this way, but I am even more certain that i have kept even more. A lot of slightly flat of up sessions. Just buy staying away from the marginal hands all together.

I added the chart at the bottom of the page where you can track the progress. Has been a nice run since December 15th and I hope it continues.

Took down a nice money finish this afternoon in the $20 Hollywood Celebrity Poker Classic. Maybe could have done a little better, but not much with the cards (or lack there off) that I had. In any case that was a $65 profit and a tournament where I never felt pressured to do something stupid.

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