Saturday, December 16, 2006

Pain at the Barca

Well just had the worst beat live I have ever taken. Just hurts. And the funniest is that it happened to me and Felter at the same time. Ok. Here goes...

Dealt 6 - 7 off suit. Big blind.
No raises.
Flop comes down 3-4-5. 2 of this cards were hearts.
Betting starts to my left with 5. Felter makes it 15. I make it 30. Man on my left calls. Felter re-raises pot (about 130). I call for all in. So does man on my left.
Felter has 6-7 too. But heats. So he has straight flush ass well.
Guy on the left has 44 for a set of fours.

Turn blank, no heart.

River.......5. Pairs the board. Full Boat wins.
Felter and I both flop the nut straight and both lose. Sux to be us. So now I have like 30 bux and am trying to grind back to just somewhere near respectability.

Gotta love the poker.

Check out my Poker Blog

1 comment:

Big Felter said...

What no comment from the King of Spades - certainly this is worthy of a little note...
oh and F&%K F*#K F@&K me