Thursday, December 14, 2006

Here Goes...

So this is supposed to be an online diary of my current habbit du jour, online Poker. This all started about 12 months ago seriously. I got into online poker with 50 dollars and a dream!! Well quite quickly both of those were smashed and gone. Then I found Big Felter! He is a guy I work with, and turns out he liked this Pok-her thing too. So we started talking...and talking...and playing....and so on. Well Felter found this site called Hollywook Poker and gave it a try. So I signed up too. Well the rest is a lot of ups and down and history. Currently I have money at 2 sites. Hollywood and Full Tilt. I will update my bank rolls anytime I post. My game has developed into 3 seperate and distict areas.

Cash Game - I am not aggresive enuff but can be incredibly patient. That is USUALLY enuff to remain profitable but does not allow you to quickly rebound from any bad beats or more usually STUPID Play.

Sit N Goes - That is Felters area. DOnt even talk to me about them. I suck Dont believe me?? Just check Shark Scope. But of late I have been trying to get better just so I can continue my domination over Felter.

Multi-Table Tournies - Have had some sucess but you have to be soo good to be long term profitable that I am not there yet.

So anyways, enuff for a first post. Who am I kidding, no one will read this anyhow. Just wanted to get it started and we will see where it goes from here. See you at the tables

Slurpee Dude.


Ethan said...

As Kevin Spacey said in Superman.... "WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG!"

Cause that's what you are buddy, I read your blog already, and got inspired to start my own on here.

I used to have a livejournal (which I deleted earlier this year). All people did was whine and complain on those things. Reading a few random blogs on blogspot has inspired me to start one of my own and see how it goes.

Big Felter said...

Cash sucks....

I suck.....

Sharkscope sucks....

(I swear I win more than that, REALLY!)

From the best break even poker player in my basement right now - Felter

Big Felter said...

Felter BLOG...

and I still havent hit that set....

but I am up from a couple of jokers who sat down gave me all thier money and left.... I think they were angels..