Friday, January 12, 2007

Up and down and up and down....getting sea sick.

So as of late as I have added SLIGHTLY more hands into my game I have experience more fluctuations into my bankroll, confidence, etc. Nothing dramatic but the swings each day have been closer to the 100 or more mark, and not the 20-40 dollars as before. Not a bad thing but I did think that it deserved a comment.

In my quest for winning a ticket to a 100 dollar tickets (And WOO HOO for Felter for winning me one :). I have come up OH SO SHORT a couple of times. I make the "money", but always a place or 2 away from the ticket. But it will come......I HOPE.

And I just found a website called that gives me hope. Says that in MTT's I am in the money 26% of the time. I am sure that is not great but 1/4 is a great place to start. I would love to get that up to 1/3.

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